There is SO much I want to devour, so I though I'd share my "near future TBR list' with you. I call it that because my goal is to finish these by the end of 2014 in an attempt to catch up on (and perhaps exceed) my GoodReads reading challenge for this year. I'd love to see what you plan to read to close out the year, too!

1. Conversion
This book is moving very slowly for me, and I'm a little disappointed so far. I expected this to be much more interesting, though I do appreciate the author's voice. It's a book that draws comparisons between the Salem witch trials and a real-life mystery illness among high school girls in upstate NY (not far from where I live!), though the setting in the book is in Massachusetts. I love the idea behind this book - we'll see if it delivers!
2. The Here and Now
I'm really excited to get to this one - it's about a group of people that traveled back in time to our current time from the future to avoid an illness and live a better life. I think it sounds really fun to read about people from the future experiencing our current lifetime as if it's the past.
3. Like Bees to Honey
Being endlessly interested in the supernatural, I'm looking forward to this one! It's about a girl who is disowned by her family for getting pregnant when she was young, and later returns to her hometown well in the future. When she arrives, she realizes that she has developed the ability to talk to dead people and she tries to help them out.

4. A Million Little Ways
I actually checked this out from the library and didn't get to it before it was due - so bummed! I've been on the waiting list to get it back for a while now. It's written by the sister of the author of The Nesting Place (both the book and the blog), which I love, and I love the tagline on the front - "uncover the art you were made to live". Don't mind if I do!
5. Landline
I mean....even when I'm not as impressed as I wanted to be with her books, I'm totally entertained. I'm fully expecting to love this one, too. From what I gather, it's about a guy who has the ability to call himself in the past and offer himself relationship advice, or something like that. I guess I also have a thing for time travel. Why aren't there Doctor Who books. Or ARE there?!
6. Yes Please
Love this lady! I can't wait to see what she's written. I LOVE a good memoir, especially a fun one peppered with humor, which I expect hers to be.

7. The Interestings
I really love Meg Wolitzer's writing style, though it can be a bit tough to get through at first. This feels big and heavy compared to a lot of the other books on my list, but in a really big pay-off sort of way. This book follows a group of friends from their teens through middle age and explores their struggles both with life and relationships. It promises to be very thought-provoking - I'm looking forward to it!
8. The Spectacular Now
I know this one is a movie now, but it made my list solely because it was a very high-rated YA novel, and I love YA almost as much as I love chocolate. That's A LOT. I understand this book to be about a social butterfly of a teenage boy that meets a "not like the others" girl and it rocks his world. I'll bite ;)
9. My True Love Gave To Me
I am going to have to arrange some seriously good timing in order to request this from the library and actually get it when I want to read it. I recognize a lot of the authors that contributed to this anthology, many of them prominent YA writers, and I would love to read some of their work in holiday form! I'm waiting for December for this one - wish me luck!

10. Captivated by You
Do I need to explain this one? I meannnnn. I might have liked Crossfire more than 50 Shades. Maybe? Maybe. I don't know. I just know that it's crazy good, and when this comes out in 2 weeks I will probably not wash a dish or fold a shirt for a solid 2-3 days. Ohh, Gideon, your name is terrible but I miss you!
11. Heads in Beds
This has been on my list for a really long time, and I was really excited about it but other books kept pushing it back. Someone mentioned it again recently and I was like, I really need to get to this one! So it's back on the list. It's written by a man that worked in a well-to-do hotel chain and shares all of his juicy stories from his time there. Oooh, scandalous!
12. Clash of the Couples
This is a collection of stories about fights and differences couples have, and it looks to be a really interesting (and possibly funny?) read. I'm really excited to get to this one! I love my hubs, but I can already tell I'll relate ;)
I only need to get through 7 of these to complete my challenge (I'm on 23/30 books I set out to read this year), but I'd love to get through all 12. Wish me luck!
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