Last week, I finished reading an anthology of stories about the ways couples fight called Clash of the Couples. It was full of personal tales of every type of squabble you can think of - from the tiny to the huge, to the been-there-done-that to the, "that is totally crazy."
I found myself laughing at many of these stories, dying to show some of them to Matt as proof of someone else being on my side (in many of them!), and others.....well, others I didn't want him to know about because I'd been the guilty party in our version of those particular fights.
Every story in this book was either funny or relatable (or both!), and totally worth a read! They were all so down to earth because they were written from the front lines by people who tell their lifestyle stories for a living - bloggers! And the most fun part? At the end of each story, you get to learn a cliff notes level of info about the author and find a link to their blog where you can find more goodness!
This was such a fun book - I highly recommend it!
Check it out on Amazon: HERE!
I was provided my copy of this book in exchange for my review, but I honestly enjoyed it and all of my opinions are my own! Links provided are not affiliate links.
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