I wish I could blame it on February being a short month, but alas - it was more because I became SO OBSESSIVE over Disney (that hasn't changed now that it's March). I only read TWO books! Pssshh.
But they were GOOD ones! Quality over quantity last month.

1. Still Alice
It's a truly interesting thing to hear about a prevalent disease and to read about its progression as it effects both a patient and their family. I have limited personal experience with Alzheimer's, I didn't identify with the main character, nor was I overly interested in any one of her family members - and yet....I loved this book. It was beautiful and personal and relate-able simply because as humans, we all fear the eventual degeneration of our minds and bodies. To have a front row seat and a first person view of it while still being of sound mind is an extremely powerful thing - fiction or not. I like to let my mind wander through possibilities and what ifs, and this book was a wonderful tour guide through one possibility that I wouldn't have explored on my own. I totally recommend taking this particular trip! (4/5 Stars)
2. Where'd You Go, Bernadette
After being totally immersed and impressed by Still Alice, I didn't expect the next book to knock my socks off - but it did. In this particular book, I DID identify with the main character - Bernadette. The story was being told by her daughter, though with personal emails from her mother included, so the reader was able to know her from multiple perspectives. I'm a fellow creative introvert, and though some of Bernadette's life ideals made my cringe (like living in a creepy home that was slowly being reclaimed by nature, and handing over all sorts of personal identification to an unknown person across the globe), I generally understood her fears and interpretations of life as it happens to her. The format of this book made it fun and addicting to read. I loved that it wasn't totally traditional in that way - creative and manageable. I loved the complexities of Bernadette, the tenacity of Bee (her daughter), and the hilarity in watching Audrey in her early stages. (Also, cheers to being swayed to feel negatively about a character, only to find them as a hero in the end - love when writers can craft that authentically!) Some of the story pieces felt a bit fantastical to me - through the whole Antarctica search I kept thinking, "this would never happen in real life," - the base of the story and the emotions behind them rang deep and true, and I loved this book so much for those things. (5/5 Stars)
Started in Feburary:
3. The Light Between Oceans
Okay, I actually wanted to start a fluffier book after those big-hitters, but this one was on my shelf via the library, so I picked it up next. I like the idea so far, but I'm still waiting to get pulled in. And I hope it happens soon - it's due back, and it's now costing me $.25 a day to read - ha!
On my list for March:
1. Finish The Light Between Oceans
2. Big Girl Panties
3. Motivate Your Child
4. Men Explain Things To Me
5. A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty
Because of all that is going on in life right now, I think that feels a little ambitious, but we shall see.
Keep up with these and all of my other 2015 book goals on this post, HERE, and track them in real-time by being my friend on GoodReads!
Happy reading!
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