Last night I made this comment: "I know the extroverts are struggling but the whole world is set up for you guys, I've never gotten this freedom before and I'll never get this time again. I'm soaking up every minute!" It was the first time I called this situation "freedom" and that realization struck me. People find freedom in different ways, and for me it's being released from the usual constraints of society's timing. My life usually has to revolve around school hours and business hours (as does everyone's) and they have never meshed well with my personality and biological/circadian clock. I've looked forward to summer vacation every year like one of the kids because I can live more closely to my natural tendencies. What a total gift it is to have it extended! At least I hope it is. Who knows what they'll do with school going forward.
Being free from "off" timelines and away from society has freed up willpower and motivation for me and my family. I require less sleep. I workout more consistently. My emotions are more even and my anxiety is at a minimum. I'm finally free to be me without society dictating the daily flow of my life. Some things I'm truly enjoying right now:
- Having slow, enjoyable, self-care centered mornings - these will be even better when the weather finally turns.
- That the kids' school schedule is based on what works best for me and I don't have to plan my days around someone else's timing.
- No packing lunches!
- It really really doesn't matter what time we go to bed.
- Wearing leggings 6 days a week!
- Not going to grocery stores!!!!!
- No dealing with bad drivers and rude pickup line parents.
- No time wasted on small talk!
- Time doesn't rule my life.
- Time with my cuties.
- Time to be creative.
- No panic cleaning for visitors!
Plus soooo much more! I enjoy having school at home, but juggling all three of them is for sure a challenge. It's not all perfect and stress-free over here - it just...fits.
We're trying a new chore system this week. I'm hoping it's a success. I want them to learn some basic home functions and take more responsibility for their roles in a family.
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