Friday, April 28, 2023

Bringing the Outdoors to Cozy & Rych - Cottagecore Style (Shop Update & A Sale!)


I haven't done a dedicated shop update in a while, and it felt like time because...there's a lot of new.

Cozy & Rych was built on the concept of hygge, and that has a very specific and recognizable vibe in winter. It's very...oversized sweaters and wooly socks and books by candlelight and cups of tea next to a fireplace. Hygge isn't limited to the cold weather months, but it changes through the seasons and takes on a distinctive cottagecore vibe in the spring and summer.

I'm sure I don't have to explain cottagecore to you (is it actually "cottagecore" or is it "cottage core"? I'm never quite sure). But juuuust in case you aren't familiar - here's what Wikipedia has to say about it.

Cottagecore is an internet aesthetic popularised [sic] by adolescents and young adults celebrating an idealized rural life. Traditionally based on a rural English and European life, it was developed throughout the 2010s and was first named cottagecore on Tumblr in 2018.The aesthetic centres [sic] on traditional rural clothing, interior design, and crafts such as drawing, baking, and pottery, and is related to similar aesthetic movements such as grandmacore, farmcore, goblincore, and fairycore.

Some sources describe cottagecore as a subculture of Millennials and Generation Z. Economic forces and other challenges facing these young people may be a significant driver of this trend, along with these generations' emphasis on sustainability, and the recent trend to work from home (initially during the COVID-19 pandemic). (source)


Okay, so, first...Wikipedia seems to think it's "cottagecore". Noted.

And side note: I just discovered goblin core while doing research for these new shop pieces and I'm not sure it's 100% accurately named because just hearing it makes me want to giggle, but it's actually very naturally inspired and closely related to cottagecore. But, I'll let you read about that yourself since that's not the point, here. 


In the same way trends come around again in clothing, it totally happens in home decor and hobbies and everything else that makes up life. Cottagecore feels a bit like that to me. It pulls in aspects of the whole Shabby Chic and Granny Chic vibes of the 90's and 2000's. When we first bought this house (13 years ago), I jumped into it with Shabby Chic visions. I wanted to take our sweet little acre and turn it into a micro-farm. Everything was florals and doilies and intentionally worn shades of teal and yellow. I had a moment of desperately wanting chickens.

And then I moved away from it. Not sure why...just, life took us that way.

Now this whole..."life aesthetic" thing is happening (thanks, internet and curated Instagram accounts), and while I've never been very good at subscribing to one thing, I've been very drawn to the cottagecore lifestyle. It conjures up memories of the simpler Shabby Chic days - of thrift shopping and crafting my way through making this house a home. But even more appealing (thanks, Pandemic) - I'm obsessed with all these adorable little cottages tucked into the woods and flowering fields and secluded nooks and crannies of nature. The slow, old fashioned baking and sewing and letter writing their inhabitants indulge in. The quiet moments they spend among flowers and trees.

And all of that found its way into Cozy & Rych's new pieces.

Can I introduce you to a few? These are my favorites!

Lilac Enthusiast Tee - 7 Colors

Pink & Purple Botanical Guide Tee - 6 Colors

Cottagecore Butterfly Tee - 8 Colors

Cottagecore Mushroom Tee - 7 Colors

Thrifting Era Floral Tee - 6 Colors

Custom Birth Flower Garden Tee - 7 Colors

Custom Name Hydrangea Mug

When I look at the shop these days, I'm so thrilled with the natural-cottagey feel of all the pieces gathered there. It's still a work in progress - but it's shifting in a way that feels fresh and good and true to the things that add joy to my daily life. 

I love it. :)

I want to share the love a bit with you, so two things: I discounted the shop more deeply this week, AND...I'm giving blog readers a coupon for even more savings. By using THIS link to shop (or typing in code COTTAGECOREBLOG, you'll get 20% off the whole shop this weekend! This extra deal ends Sunday, which is also my Mother's Day ordering deadline so it's perfect timing :)

Meanwhile - the shop isn't the only thing shifting a bit more towards cottagecore. I'm not fully subscribing (my ADHD isn't all about that), but I'm embracing more of it - in life, in my blog, in my style and hobbies. If you're sticking around, you'll see more and more of it around here!

Do you like the cottagecore vibe? :)

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